Tagging re-invented and fully integrated
into the Windows File Explorer
Import Tags Help
A Dataset file contains Tag groups and/or Tags that can be imported and all information about the links between Files, Folders and Tags with the Tags in the Dataset file. The Dataset file does not contain the actual Files and Folders only the file/folder name and file/folder location. When a Dataset file is read the first time, Import Tags will automatically generate mappings for the items in the Dataset if possible.
A mapping is an association between an item from the Dataset file and an existing item. In case of a Tag group or Tag it can also be an association with an item that will be created. The ‘Tagging for Windows’ application ‘Import Tags’ will generate mappings for Tag groups and Tags if their technical ID’s match or when the hierarchical structure and names match. Files and Folders are matched upon their hierarchical structure and names.
The File menu contains commands to open a Dataset file with Import Tags.
This allows you to open an existing Dataset file (*.tfx). A file selection dialog is opened from which you can select a Dataset file.
Recent Files sub-menu allows quick access to the last ten Dataset files opened with Import Tags.
Use this to exit (close) Import Tags.
This undoes the most recent action that has affected a Tag or File/Folder mapping. This command can also be accessed via the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z.
This reverses the most recent action that has been 'undone', if any. This command can also be accessed via the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Y.
All mappings will be reset to their original state as determined when the Dataset file was read the first time.
The Options menu command opens the options screen.
When ‘Import as new’ is enabled it is possible to override the mapping found by the system and import the Tag and/or Tag group as a new one in the existing Tag structure.
When ‘Rename’ is enabled it is possible to override the Tag and/or Tag group name in the existing Tag structure. After import the Tag and/or Tag group will have the name as in the Dataset.
This menu contains the commands to import data from external sources.
Use a comma-separated values (CSV) file as data source for an import.
Select the CSV file you want to use as a source for the import. The selection is made via a File open dialog.
Specify the delimiter, field separator, which is used in your CSV file. This can be a tab, semicolon, comma, space or one specified by you.
Specify the symbol that marks the beginning and end of text in the CSV file. This can be quotes, double quotes, angles, none or one specified by you.
Preview the found Tags, Files and/or Folders based on the selected File, Delimiter and Text qualifier.
The Import Tags help website is opened in de default Internet Browser.
On a computer with Windows 10 and the Windows Photos App installed it is possible to import the data gathered by the Photos app.
Select the Photo app sources that can be used to import as Tags. These sources can be People, Albums, Collection (timeline), Things, Locations, Regions, Districts and Countries. When the source People is selected only the named People are used. When the source Collection (timeline) is selected you can specify the resulting Tag structure, e.g. only Years, Years + Months and Years + Months + Days. When the source Things is selected you can specify the Confidence level it matches.
Only import source items that are linked to a photo. In practice, albums often seems to be empty.
Also import photos that are stored in OneDrive. In practice, photos could be online only, which normally is no problem.
For each selected source the found properties are shown on a separate tab.
The Import Tags help website is opened in de default Internet Browser.
In order to restore accidently removed Tag and their links, a dataset can be created to be imported.
The content of this dataset will contain the selected History. The History can be viewed by Date and Time grouped by Minutes/Hours/Days/Months.
The History (or parts of it) can be deleted using ‘Delete’. The dataset is kept on disk by default. This allows to use it again for additional imports.
The Import Tags help website is opened in de default Internet Browser.
Open the Help menu and choose License and in the sub-menu select License activation.
The Activate License dialog is opened and the activation key can be entered here.
Open the Help menu and choose License and in the sub-menu select License information. The License information dialog is opened and shows the License key, Expiration date and whether the license is Expired.
The following dialog is shown containing the version number of Import Tags, copyright information and a link to the Tagging for Windows website.
See Undo.
See Redo.
Find the selected Tag group or Tag from the Dataset file in the existing Tag structure. Find the selected File or Folder from the Dataset file on the existing filesystem.
From the Dataset file, only remove the mapping for selected Tag group, Tag, File or Folder.
From the Dataset file, remove the mapping for the selected Tag group, Tag or Folder and all containing sub items, i.e. Tags for a Tag group or a Tag and Files and Folders for a Folder.
From the Dataset file, map the selected Tag group or Tag to a corresponding item in the existing Tag structure. From the Dataset file map the selected File or Folder to a corresponding item in the existing Filesystem.
In the existing Tag structure the Tags node is selected and from the Dataset file a Tag group is selected, the Tags node will become the parent of the Tag group.
In the existing Tag structure Tag group is selected and from the Dataset file a Tag is selected, the Tag group will become the parent of the Tag.
In the existing Tag structure Tag is selected and from the Dataset file a Tag is selected, the Tag will become the parent of the Tag.
From the Dataset file, import only the selected Tag group or Tag from the Dataset file as a new Tag group or Tag into the existing Tag structure.
From the Dataset file, import the selected Tag group or Tag and all containing Tags as a new one into the existing Tag structure.
Filter the mappings depending on the state of the individual items in the Tags- (i.e. Tag groups or Tags) or Files and Folders tab (i.e. Files or Folders)).
Show not mapped Tag groups, Tags, Files or Folders.
Show new Tag groups, Tags, Files or Folders.
Show mapped Tag groups, Tags, Files or Folders.
Remove the current active filter.
Rescan the existing Filesystem and review the mappings from Files and Folders from the Dataset file. After the rescan the following dialog is shown with the results of the rescan. In practice this is performed if the files and folders are somehow changed on the local system.
When the Import Tags application is started the Start tab is selected. The Start tab comprises 4 sections i.e., Dataset – Details, Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3. Each section describes in short the steps that are needed to complete a successful import.
When a Dataset file is opened, this section contains the general information about the Dataset file. When a Dataset file was already imported it also gives information about the date and time when it was imported. The Tags and File/Folders mappings from the previous import are used as a base for this import.
The filename of the opened Dataset file.
This can be the Tags root, a Tag group or a Tag.
The name of the program that was used to create the Dataset file.
Date and time when the Dataset file was created.
The name of the computer on which the Dataset file was created.
The name of the user who created the Dataset file.
The first step is to map the Dataset Tag groups and/or Tags to the existing Tag structure. It contains a button, when pressed, guides you to the Tags mapping tab.
The second step is to map the Dataset files and/or folders to the existing file/folder structure. It contains a button, when pressed, guides you to the Files and Folders mapping tab.
After the mapping is done, the third and last step is to import the Dataset. It contains a button, when pressed, guides you to the Finish tab.
The Tags tab consists four separate parts.
I. The Tag structure as described in the Dataset file. It contains four columns, a Name column, a State column, Map column and an optional rename column.
a. The Name column can be the Tags node-, a Tag group- or a Tag name.
b. The State column is the mapping state.
The Tag or Tag
group is mapped.
The Tag or Tag
group is mapped to the original existing Tag or Tag group.
The Tag or Tag
group is not mapped.
The Tag group
will be created when the import is done.
The Tag will be
created when the import is done.
c. The Map column describes how and where the item is mapped after import.
d. This column is shown when in the View menu Tag – Rename is selected.
II. The existing Tag structure, with the ability to find a Tag in that structure based upon the name.
III. This gives a textual description of the State column icon.
IV. The actions that can be taken on the selection in I and II.
This can be the
mapping of two corresponding items (Tag group or Tag) and all sub items.
Set Parent/Child.
In the existing
Tag structure the Tags node is selected and from the Dataset file a Tag group
is selected, the Tags node will become the parent of the Tag group and all sub
In the existing
Tag structure Tag group is selected and from the Dataset file a Tag is
selected, the Tag group will become the parent of the Tag and all sub Tags.
In the existing
Tag structure Tag is selected and from the Dataset file a Tag is selected, the
Tag will become the parent of the Tag and all sub Tags.
The Files and Folders tab consists four separate parts.
I. The File and Folder structure as described in the Dataset file. It contains three columns, a Name column, a State column and Map.
a. The Name column can be a drive letter, folder name or filename.
b. The State column is the mapping state.
The File or
Folder is mapped.
The File or
Folder is mapped to the original existing File or Folder.
The folder is
not mapped. Because it is not tagged, no mapping is necessary
The File or
Folder is not mapped.
c. The Map column describes how and where the item is mapped after import.
II. The existing File and Folder structure.
III. This gives a textual description of the State column icon.
IV. The actions that can be taken on the selection in I and II.
This can be the
mapping of two corresponding items (File or Folder) and all sub items.
The Finish tab comprises 4 sections i.e., Dataset – Details, Tags - summary, Files and Folders - summary and Import. Each section gives a summary of the actions which will be taken when the import is done.
See Start tab Dataset - Details
This sections gives a summary about the result of the actions taken on the Tags tab.
The number of Tag(s)/Tag group(s) that are mapped to the original existing Tag/Tag group.
The number of Tag(s)/Tag group(s) that are mapped to an existing Tag/Tag group.
The number of Tag(s)/Tag group(s) that are not mapped. Not mapped Tags will not be used to Tag any Tag, Files and/or Folders in the Dataset.
The number of Tag group(s) that will be created when the import is done.
The number of Tag(s) that will be created when the import is done.
This sections gives a summary about the result of the actions taken on the Files and Folders tab.
The number of File(s)/Folders(s) that are mapped to the original existing File/Folder.
The number of Files(s)/Folders(s) that are mapped to an existing File/Folder.
The number of File(s)/Folder(s) that are not mapped. Not mapped Files and/or Folders will not be Tagged with any Tag in the Dataset.
The number of Folder(s) where a mapping is not needed. These folders are not Tagged with any Tag(s) in the Dataset.
The number of File(s)/Folder(s) that are not found on the existing file system. These Files and/or Folders will not be Tagged with any Tag in the Dataset.
The finish tab contains a Run button, when pressed this will import the Dataset according to the mappings made on the Tags- and Files/Folders tab.